

this one i made for my copain ( he's not french though )
for his 8 - 23 birthday
and also it's the 1st time i made a cushion
: btw his mom likes it :



i made this for my friend 
a couple of months ago
and she liked it 


P L A N T r

r for rare
i forgot how they called this 
but the man who sold me this
said it's rare
that's the only thing i can remember
oh ! the portrait idea from here

P L A N T c + c

the cactus lady told me that two of them 
could be grow in one pot so i did
put them together i like that 
now they look like ice cream

P L A N T c

this year i did some stuff 
1 learned how to use a sewing machine
2 take care of camellia
the morning that i saw the white flower pop
out was magical
3 and more but i can't think of any right now

update - the photo of the white flower i removed 
because i found out that 
after all i'm not really into the white flower 
i prefer these nameless and brought by the wind or bird 
plant much much more q: